Friday, May 22, 2020

907nuggets QR

One of the benefits from being Artist of the Year is a 5-minute pitch to a Chamber Luncheon - comic relief but also spread the word about the wonderful community resource the Fairbanks Arts Association is by highlighting the most recent Artist In Schools residency.

As a result of this increased promotional opportunities, I've started stirring some ingredients been simmering in the back burner of the creative kitchen, such as another look at marketing strategies above & beyond my usual onslaught of propaganda. To those ends there are some new, different directions I'll be taking the funny business. One element that I just added was utilizing the ubiquitous QR codes (Quick Response) so as to facilitate a following to the budding Instagram account. Enough folks responded properly to a hive-mind query that I'll incorporate it on my table signage when out peddling wares.

Of course those are dropping like flies now - the first tentpole event of the season, the Midnight Sun Festival, has been officially cancelled, where I was supposed to have a table. Next up if the dominoes continue to fall will be Golden Days, then the Fair, and finally a show I'm tentatively scheduled for in August. Add this to the cancellation of the Visual Art Academy, a brand-new special topics Summer Sessions course, and the supposed breakout year of my phoenix-like reinvention is a bucket of cold, greasy chicken. Which I happen to love, so I'm sticking to the trajectory, ignoring the mounting signs of calamity and personal implosion, and continuing to generate lots of new material as a result. Artists - especially cartoonist - are good at that.

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