Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Katsam Sadie's" Unknown Comics

In 1997, I got a few pages (plus a free ad) in the inaugural issue of a short-lived magazine devoted to "undiscovered talent." Published by Comic Relief, I don't think it survived past this one opening shot, but like a lot of initial ventures I found it good experience to just keep trying, keep putting stuff out there in hopes of "making it." And in the meantime, just keep putting one big-foot in front of the other, building up a base until none of these ephemeral long-shots really matter anymore. And maybe then you can just do what you do, or at the very be better able to at least pick & choose which projects will occupy your time and energy, successful or not. One thing that I hope will stay clear after all these recent ancient-history posts is just how long, and how much it takes to see things through. Even if there's never a light at the end of the tunnel, maybe it's the tunnel-vision that's important.

And it never really ends... which is great if you think about it in terms of outlasting almost everything else you've done. Sitting atop that big ol' mulch-pile of accumulated failures, one is afforded quite the view of your own personal humble pie (right before it hits you in the face). Like I've mentioned elsewhere on this blog before, experience just means your pile of mistakes is high enough that you can see a little bit farther, and have a longer perspective on things. Then the Jacob's Ladder syndrome sets in (or the Chutes & Ladders metaphor works equally well) and the process begins anew. 
Take for instance a recent crisis of self-doubt: after reviewing seven years worth of cartoons the other day, in advance of approaching some of the local media, I realized that about only a dozen panels would make any sense at all to an Outsider with no understanding of the Alaskan references. That revelation was simultaneously reaffirming and disconcerting: the insight that your work has gradually evolved into something that's now a certifiably inbred mutant is a mixed blessing at best - it's great for regional appeal but definitely limits your audience. Fortunately there's always a limitless supply of material whenever and wherever there are people... and other species of ridiculous and weird animals.

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