Thursday, October 28, 2010

Miller Time: Teat Party

Been practicing saying "teat" instead of "tea" and it works beautifully: nobody notices. 
That, and nobody really cares. 
In the meantime, the list of Senatorial candidate Joe Miller's sleight-of-hands in political relativity 

Duly noted: my editor actually wanted more nipple, but alas, no-one ever takes a cartoonist 
seriously when they need a model. Meaning of course when it comes to politicians 
there's more than enough on-line reference to boobs.

**UPDATE: Breaking poll puts the race now 34/29/23 (Murkowski/McAdams/Miller). 
If all the Democrats in AK vote with their party, McAdams will win, or alternatively, 
if all the voters who went for President Obama do the same with McAdams, 
this race is in the bag. Non-tea, that is.

"An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence 
to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which 
popular government is a sham and a mockery." - Joseph Pulitzer

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