Saturday, November 25, 2023

Colonizing the Channel: "Nuggets of Whimsey" +


Earlier in the season I gave a talk for the Discover Alaska lecture series in coincidentally in conjunction with my "Colony" show down at Flossie & May's (which featured the centerpole piece "The Lodge"). As of late I've noticed the numbers creeping up on the hosting organizations video channel: UAF Summer Sessions (direct link here to YouTube video) features many, many great presentations from across an incredible diversity of college + community treasures. "Nuggets of Whimsey" is currently listed aongside  a perfectly paired lecture by Ken Tape, Professor of Ecology at UAF's Geophysical Institute, and the Arctic Beaver Observation Network, on using both the scientific + traditional indigenous insights to document how this keystone species is playing a significant role in understanding the changing climate and how it affects Alaska and other northern communities.
Most of my shorts garner tens of views (aside from the "How To Cartoon" gig from a decade ago + the timeless classic "Noosance Moosance") so this is some nice exposure - many thanks to all the hardworking staff behind the scenes that make such events possible!

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