Sunday, May 30, 2021

"Rumble Strip"

Along the section of the Parks Highway that runs by Ester, DOT put in rumble strips, presumably to alert road-weary travelers that have been driving Alaskan-sized distances they are beginning to reenter areas of civilization, and might want to rub the sleep out of their eyes and/or maybe think about slowing down. Meanwhile miles away up in the surrounding hills we can hear the tell-tale buzz whenever anybody's tires drift out of their lanes... which, given the topography of the Interior, means the majority of the vehicles will hit them more than half the time. It's part of the noise pollution we're all anesthetized to, just like the air traffic overhead. Somewhere I have a doodle of a dog in a passenger seat vibrating away to a similar situation, but the main inspiration for this panel was just another 6am drive in to work. That happens a lot.

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