Sunday, April 14, 2019


I would share with you the bitter memory of traumatic incident which I still carry the emotional scars from to this day, for which I shall never forgive the people who I once thought of as my friends. I'm speaking of a day back in the Eighties when my co-workers at the restaurant where I was working as a waiter snuck a snail into my baked potato. And yes, much to their amusement, I was indeed far too drunk to notice under the blanket of sour cream, chives and butter was buried one of the more disgusting items from our menu. 

On a more serious note, this panel wound up being edited so as to avoid any unintended interpretations - it's a valid point to not stereotype with the lameass igloo thing. So in a bid to push the whole package even further out into the realm of the absurd, might as well swap out some anthropomorphized animals as handy little stand in instead. And this perfectly illustrates the point I make every so often to an aspiring talent who wants to cross the line and use people as props: ask yourself is there some other way you can maybe do a workaround - and maybe then there will be an opportunity you to discover a better, more creative (or at least weirder) solution. So it's not necessarily a dodge, sometimes we just needed a push to get past the lazy shortcuts that also quite often serve as a valuable tool for a cartoonist.

It also remains to be seen if the swear word will make it past the editor: since it doesn't refer to the specific place it's supposed to be a no-no. But then again, cartoonists are the greasing the skids in our societal race to the bottom, eroding away the standards of decency. At least in my case the psychological roots can be easily traced back to a couple of coworker assholes at a bar in Alaska.
Yay - let's here it for cartoonists doing their part in paving the highway to, uh, Hell.

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