Sunday, March 17, 2019

"Trailside Assistance"

Sometimes the load just gets too heavy. Originally it was captioned without any "Good Boy" but I recalled seeing the ubiquitous signs for Good Sam in all the touristy spots, which even though I'm not all that familiar with it, a heck of a lot of folks who make the pilgrimage to Alaska (and residents with RV's) would "get it."

It all started with this little doodle, which has admirable sentiment but not suitable for family-friendly publication. These mushing cartoons never fail to remind me that someday I really ought to sit down and seriously study dog sleds for real. Added to the artistic bucket-list. In the meantime, this'll do just fine as far as getting the idea across (the "it works" criteria). Here's the panel in process  - shown in excruciating detail here - of being all fancied up for fine artsy-fartsy display at the next annual retrospective.

Bonus round: This panel was also picked as the official calendar art for one of my top favorite recurring clients, Parks Highway Service & Towing (here's 2017 + 2018 posts). Just some slight tweaking before a couple hours of coloring fun. Always so pleased to see a piece really come alive and pop off the page.

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