Sunday, December 2, 2018

Throwing Up (another) Throwback Thursday

In keeping with my occasional nostalgic Facebook flashback with the classic Freeze-Frame feature, here's another upheaval from the archives.

Always healthy to purge oneself of the past, particularly when you need a reminder that you actually are in fact getting better with age + experience.

On the other hand, what might be happening instead is a public documentation of your inexorable descent into instability.

Who knows... maybe I just need to get out more.

It can also become immediately apparent with these sorts of surveys certain inclinations. Patterns begin to suss themselves out, somewhat like a psychological sluice-box.

One could have quite the Freudian field-day while flushing these funnies away. In fact it might be more foible to find a few that wouldn't get such a rise out readers.

What's missing from this perspective of the past though is how many duds my long-time followers & fans have had to wade through. And I really have appreciated everybody who has stuck with it.

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