Saturday, July 13, 2024

Current Stats

Role model: "You must dig deep inside yourself"

Indulging in a wee bit of navel-gazing here: just crested a thousand followers over on Instagram, which after the 2k on Facebook, 12k Sunday edition of the News-Miner (subscribe here) and you here now, faithful dear reader. It reminds me of the recent opening which was crazy busy, standing room only at the host venue, of which in reality about 95% were there to see the parade. But for the handful of folks who came to visit - thank you kindly - and weren't aware of that, I totally got away with saying "yeah, I'm kind of a thing out here." But seriously, there were some amazing conversations, and I got to share some moments with friends & fans, including some sneak previews of current & upcoming projects + in-person process demos.

Meanwhile over on Instagram I've been able to look under the online table and observe a bit more details as far as traffic goes, as they have a decent "view insight" function for the professional accounts. You can track views which I can't on Facebook (as it's a personal page), and in a limited sense here on Ink & Snow, as there's no way of differentiating between bots and humans (75 followers, of which 24-ish are weekly readers, versus 8k visits per month/100k a year). *Note we're approaching an all-time readership event horizon of one million hits (955k as of this posting), which'll happens sometime over the next few months. Woo-hoo. 

A sample grab from a recent popular post

Hand-in-glove with the organic rise in numbers has been a steady increase in viewers, to hundreds and even over a thousand viewers per post now. The IG metrics give a clearer insight as to the ratio of readers versus folks who actually engage with a post enough to leave a "like" or "love," or even go above & beyond with a comment and/or share. This somewhat akin to foot traffic in meatspace, and why it's important to actually write a note in the guest-book at any exhibition - otherwise the artist has no idea, unless you corner them at the opening. I've been really liking IG, even though I initially joined so as to escape the evil clutches of FB, and then Meta bought it. Haven't deviated from only uploading just a weekly gag panel/Nuggets, every Sunday, save for the end-of-season jubilee of Baked Alaskas (now defunct), edits of the year, comics poetry, the rare drawing class sketch, and the occasional event promotion. FB is a messy mix of everything - not unlike me - with more interactions, and then there's this here blog - which according to a young hipster friend are making a comeback amongst the artsy demographic - is more like my personal/public space to expand upon any given topic or random deconstruction, like this very post. I suppose the poor editor who will dutifully skin over every entry in this on-line drip of commentary spanning many years will hopefully take away an overall picture, and come up with a good biography, similar to a skipping stone plunging into in-depth insight and understanding. Or, just look at all the funny pictures. Like not forgetting to stop and smell the roses, that's what it's really all about. Thanks for visiting, and now back to the proverbial drawing board...

Another grab showing the steadily increasing numbers

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