Friday, December 17, 2021

"Baked Alaska" #33-#36

Not to much here in the way of any stems or seeds (ie backstory and/or process posts) in this latest bag of funnies, but there are still a few amusing asides worth grinding up... Join us after the jump for another installment from the monthly feature as published in The Alaska Cannabist magazine.

One thing that is somewhat amusing to me is how far I've effectively slipped outta gear as far as slavish devotion to staying in the seasonal lane goes. Meaning for most of my career I've for the most part faithfully observed the proper seasons and aligned my panels accordingly ie if it's winter then that's the time to run snow/cold-weather related material, and the reverse. Well that all went by the wayside a while back with the Nuggets feature, and then to Baked Alaska, and then infecting Ink & Snow with slack.

Not withstanding the fact we have an inordinate number of months within which it reflects our normal state of affairs in this subarctic way of life, in other words winter runs half the year anyways, besides which it's never far from our thoughts so hey why not a reminder. Definitely works in reverse, since I can always use some summer fare even when it's forty-below. Maybe it's mostly on account of being far enough ahead in the production calendar that my attention is focused on generating jokes for farther down the road. Not that I ever want to promote the idea that I'm ever actually ahead on anything...

But seriously,  trust me here... I've been waiting all year just to say this: Ask me about my Insta-gram!

  Thank you, thank you... no - really, please... thank you...

Just wait until I branch out into Alaskan stoner cookbook content, like what to do with 500 extra pounds of moose, or 50lbs of salmon, or five gallons of blueberries. "Follow me for more recipes!"

One a more serious note, dopamine levels has become something of a side-pursuit of mine now, especially after having my middle-aged butt getting a major reminder (courtesy the Significant Otter) about how older I'm getting much of an influence vitamin D, probiotics and supplements in general have upon Seasonal Affective Disorder... and mental health in general.

Here's a shot of the initial idea. As often happens, things start off relatively simple but the longer I think about 'em the more shit just starts to get all complicated and weird.

One other aside here in that it's perhaps a sign that I'm taking this feature a bit more seriously now in that I actually started a new, separate sketchbook just for this series. Mainly this is on account of continually being caught up short by spacing out the deadline and having to come up with something shot from the hip (hence the lack of preliminary material with more and more of these panels) and to have a single repository for concepts and thumbnail roughs ahead of time would ease the stress. Also it will help to keep more of a buffer zone between this sort of content and the more age-appropriate classroom stuff, especially what with the growing number of artist in schools residencies.

An endorsement for one of my buds that keeps the creative juices flowing - or at least keeps me well-fed with the victuals from the choo-choo train at Gold Hill Express (hence the specific signage on the original for this one that went out to Chef Joe!

The annual calendar is turning out to be a lucrative deal, and (updated!) my guess is gonna be that this particular panel will grace is spotlighted on the cover of the 2022 edition. Thanks again for reading, as always: cheers!

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