Friday, October 1, 2021

Demo Day today!

The ever-awesome folks down at the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner sweetened the deal for today's special event by boosting bonus donations to teh United Way. Be sure and email me your mailing address if you sign up online for a digital subscription (subscription options link here) and I'll get you one of these four critter designs of your choosing. As a side-note, one of the reasons I'm tenuously okay with this gig in the face of another COVID outbreak in our community is according to CDC guidelines "close contact" is defined as being withing 6' (3' in a classroom/business setting) for longer than fifteen minutes - hence my training runs to crank these out in approx. 6-8 minutes per illustration. That and being fully vaccinated + masked up, obviously.

Just be glad you only read my blog, since I've been subjecting everyone everywhere else on social media platforms - and, should our paths ever cross in person, you'll also get the one-on-one pitch - to a daily barrage of thinly disguised pleading. But again, I truly believe that this is the time for fellow practitioners of the cartoon craft to step up to the plate and deliver on behalf of our collective benefactors, with the added benefit of supporting journalism and ensuring survival of the first amendment.

And thanks... your support really means a lot.

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