Sunday, July 31, 2011

Buttered Up

In my many talks with folks about lobster culture, an interesting item of historical trivia usually comes up that lobster was traditionally considered to be trash food only fit for slaves and fertilizing fields. I always counter with the observation that probably it was only due to the fact that butter hadn't been invented yet. 
But seriously, this panel makes a nice bookend with the now-infamous "Kinky" design.


  1. I really hate to be the one to tell you, but there is recorded history of butter as old as 2000 B.C. There have been archeological finds of butter in Ireland and Finland from around the 11th century. By the time cows were imported to the colonies (around 1640) the ladies of the house were whipping it out (pun intended) by the gallon. Of course, before cows became domesticated, it was goat and camel milk that they made butter from.

  2. Hence the "But seriously" - always assume I'm taking liberty with any facts. But just to, uh, "clarify" (sorry): I meant Land O'Lakes brand (founded on July 8, 1921). Though I recently had some that tasted as old as 1640.
    Which reminds me: butter only first reached the shores of New England until the early 1940's if I'm not mistaken. Oh wait, that was margarine...

  3. Is this your first foray into cubism, Jamie?

  4. I'm looking forward to a full page spread.

  5. >groan<
    ...making my head churn...

  6. Buy Cabot: they're a cooperative of local farmers based in Vermont. Of course you can't make a peep show of boobies from a Cabot box, but there have to be some sacrifices for the principle of supporting small family businesses. We'll have to talk to Cabot about putting some graphics we can play with on their butter packages.

    Having made my comment I will now melt away into the background again.

  7. And you know that live lobsters aren't really bright red.

  8. Ghee, I don't think I can come up with any more!

  9. Yeah, the whole butter thing is really getting "drawn" out...

  10. Most folks haven't seen an embarrassed lobster though - and more blue ones have been surfacing as of late (one can only wonder what their problem is...)
