Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Captain Kangaroo"

As was pointed out by a friend, yeah, this one really dates me. I suppose Bob Keeshan ought to be in the pantheon of wholesome heroes from that era in that viral meme about wholesome male role models like Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, LeVar and the other Captain (unfortunately actors portraying fictional characters).

As a youngster my folks maintained a tight control over my media exposure, limiting me to just a few hours of PBS television a week. So no small wonder stylistically my characters share lineage with puppets. Deadpan and droll humor was, and still is, an influence and hallmark of comedy that I prefer. And then I was allowed to pick my own shows, so the Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner Show (at the time, the most violent show on the airwaves) was first, followed closely by the discovery and consequent lifelong obsession with monster movies. Turns out I turned out fine.

Here's a snapshot taken of the page in the issue of Sundays that it ran on, alongside last week's posted panel. Do me a favor and support democracy, local journalism - and the peripheral talent - with a subscription. Thanks. 

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