Sunday, October 31, 2021

"Migrating Hair"

This year I don't have a specific Halloween-themed panel but here's a horrifying concept. Let's just say I'm getting older and I'm gonna take all my readers down that dark path with me.

Based on firsthand experience after getting the annual haircut, when the barber holds up the mirror at the end of the session as usual to have me do a final thumbs-up. All I could think of was the volume of stray bristles, the thatch of facial pubes erupting from every other orifice on my face.

Well, everywhere else with the noticeable exception of course of my rapidly balding head. Never the less it incurred another handsome tip, so as to compensate for emptying out the waiting room with my shrieking.

As you can see from the doodles it took a while for this to take root and grow. Only well after the fact did I come across this doodle in a sketchbook from a few years before with a similar concept beginning to get groomed.


  1. Good old King Crimson. And the rich trove of ideas from life's indignities.

    1. Ahhh - It took me almost as much time to finally get that reference as it did for me to post your comment.
      From the Wikipedia page on "In The Court of the Crimson King":
      Barry Godber (1946–1970), a computer programmer, painted the design for the album cover. Godber died in February 1970 from a heart attack, shortly after the album's release. It was his only album cover; the original painting is now owned by Robert Fripp.
      PS: Personally I'm actually much more of a fan of the later (second) reincarnation of the lineup, which was when I was first introduced to the band and sport a tattoo of the cover from "Discipline' (first of the trio from that period including "Beat" + "Three of a Perfect Pair").
