Sunday, June 13, 2021

"Vitamin D"

A bit earlier in the winter one of my friends made a comment about getting vitamin D booster shots from a local clinic as a way to combat some of the documented side-effects of deficiency from living in a northern region.

Not sure if it's all just a placebo but along with some other behavioral changes (ie walks when it's light outside etc.) I've noticed a difference in attitude and temperament. I try and apply critical thinking skills to the debate over supplements - and that's a Sisyphean task with most online sources, but since my diet leaves a lot to be desired I'll hedge my bets.

Initially the concept was to close out the cartoon with a panel of me in front of an open refrigerator chewing on a frozen fillet (shades of Gollum) and surrounded by ravaged cans of tunafish. That idea actually got rolled over and evolved into another upcoming gag involving mass quantities of leftover moose.

Instead it triggered an associated memory of another older doodle which necessitated a protracted search through the mulch-pile of sketchbooks. Turns out it was originally intended as a Baked Alaska piece, but I think the weirdness works just as well here. Sometimes it's like my mind is a salmon stream, and after a good spawning run, all the carcasses of the dead ideas wash up, rot, and get recycled. Wading in amidst all the jostling ideas can be overwhelming at times... maybe it's the feast-or-famine syndrome of gorging oneself, get while the getting is good, stock up on supplies for any lean times ahead.


  1. I have a cartoon in an old sketchbook of a woman-owned fish shop called Salmon Ella's. "Business is lousy for some reason."

    One thing that kept me from venturing as far as Alaska in search of surviving wild lands was the prospect of the long darkness. It's bad enough just in the "northern tier" of the lower 48, which are nearly the tropics.

    1. As a side-note - here's hoping you checked the "Notify Me" box and can thus see I eventually do approve and reply to all comments... (thank you!) For some mysterious weird reason a triple set of comments from you just appeared, and since I've been posting a lot more I swear I always check the cue... but even the spam filter seems weaker now what with a rising tide of spawning trolls to wade through
