Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tshirts: Pinhole Wizard

This design was an in-joke for the screenprinting shop I was employed at: before becoming a graphic artist I spent a couple years in production department, pulling squeegees and hanging out in the darkroom. One of the final steps in burning screens was to carefully go over them with a tiny paintbrush + liquid emulsion and "pinhole" out any stray holes that might have accidentally occurred while exposing the negatives. Yeah, I was good at that.

Another gig I briefly had in 2000 was volunteering as Special Events Coordinator for an ad-hoc group of printmakers in the Interior community and the UAF Art Department called (wait for it) Printmakers North. This was a design I showcased for a field-trip to Trademark so as to demonstrate the screenprinting process on a commercial level.

That in turn dovetailed with an exhibition I had in 1999 that featured fine art serigraphs, which along with being editioned onto printmaking paper, also obviously translated very well onto garments.

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