Sunday, March 23, 2025


Both the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and the Sun Star ( reminder to please support local, independent journalism) published editorial panels of mine addressing the recent decision by the UA Board of Regents to remove all language and positions relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion. One cartoon depicts our mascot polar bear eclipsing the black and brown, and the other, a claw shredding these bedrock principles of academic freedom. With this edict, the University of Alaska Fairbanks joins the UA statewide in capitulating - abject surrender - to Republican's bigoted, pro-racist, white supremacist, Christian nationalist, fascist takeover and takedown of what makes the United States of America a champion of democratic values. Additionally this falls into line with with the big-picture/long game objectives of the billionaire class + oligarchy's wet dream known as Project 2025 in assaulting public education.

Previously, back in 2019, the Alaska Republicans attempted to legislatively murder the University of Alaska, and the ensuing financial apocalypse still to this day is a lingering trauma to faculty and staff (what's left of them). In June 23 of 2021 in an open Facebook forum I commented on Seekins being installed: “Just in case it wasn’t clear why the Dunleavy administration is installing partisan, ideological simulacrums without any academic qualifications whatsoever (even a college degree) on the Board of Regents” and linked an article about loyalty oaths at another university.

Fast-forward to today and the entire makeup of the University of Alaska Board of Regents is baked-in 100% Republican,  infused with malicious incompetence so as to inflict their revenge-based ideological partisan bias. Talk about the supposed "merit-based" hiring practices that supposedly are the foundation of Republican elimination of civil rights. Both the chair and another Regent lack even a basic college degree, something that one would naturally assume to be at bare minimum the biggest qualification for the job. Nope: the sole determining factor is evidently fealty to Lord Dunleavy and in turn obedience to the Emperor of their party. And now this systemic overthrow, an academic coupe, is a fait accompli at this point.

Now however Dunleavy and Republican state senators don't have to budgetarily amputate the university any more for this fiscal cycle, because as a direct result of the actions taken by the Republican administration, the killing off any federal grants (NIH, NSF, NOAA, NWS, museums, libraries, etc.) will now do the dirty deed in administering a coup de grâce. This is why it is important to never assign blame to tRump, as the responsibility lies entirely on the Republican party at all levels of "government" (so-called, as they systematically set about dismantling it). They actively attack education at every opportunity and on all levels: local, state, and federal.

Exhibit "A" in white supremacy

An additional observation based on personal experience: the failed candidate Seekins and I have some background, aside from some editorial cartoons. A decade spent in the food service industry, specifically the half spent as a server at several institutions around town (A Moveable Feast, Clinkerdaggers, and of specific importance here, Two Rivers Lodge, where I was a waiter for his table) affords you the opportunity to see firsthand how the self-important pillars of supposed community leadership actually treat the little people, ie those beneath their attention and deserved respect.

In the meantime the dismantling of the educational and academic infrastructure continues apace, with the digital version of book burning taking place by erasure of diversity and silencing of voices. I am reminded of another meme: "If you oppose DEI, you should have to use the full phrase instead of the letters. Be brave and say "I oppose diversity, equity, and inclusion." Explain exactly which part that you can't support. Be proud of your opinion, but be specific: Let everyone know if it's diversity you don't like, or if it's equity, or if it's being inclusive." Like the Republican boogymen talking points in rhetorical phrases from "critical race theory" to "transgendered mice" they never know what the fuck they are actually talking about. But then again, the cruelty is a the point when it comes to Republicans.

Folks assure me that I'm covered by freedom of expression and academic freedom etc. but that is not by any means reassuring as evidenced by Republicans not recognizing the rule of law anymore in anything from fomenting insurrections to destroying the Constitution and democracy. This no doubt will exacerbate the difference between tenured (not me) and non-tenured (me) positions, and underscores why academic protections, along with education in general are always targeted by Republicans and viewed as threats to fascistic authoritarianism, and is a hallmark of such regimes throughout history.

Nevertheless, I was advised as a new member of full-time faculty it would be prudent to pick my battles, and so, I have.

(obligatory fine print)

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