Sunday, September 1, 2024

"Alaska Acupuncture"

Initially I was pretty sure this one should be filed under "why didn't I think of this before" ie low-hanging fruit gag category. And in fact, turned out I had done a variation on the theme. Good grief, I'm unconsciously copying myself - might be time to retire. Comparing & contrasting the two, it looks like I really haven't learned how to draw any better over the last dozen years, just color in. Thank goodness there's technology now that even keeps me inside the lines.

And this particular panel bookends quite nicely with last weekend's post. It also is an excellent illustration of the power of judicious editing, a evidenced by the last-minute command decision to rein in the tangential comedy which in retrospect would only serve to obfuscate the comedy. Not at all dissimilar to my erudite literary skills whilst crafting a blog entry. Not only try to make myself out to be smarter than I really am, but also funnier.

In all honesty I prefer the unedited version, like a lot in Life. The original inspiration was recalling the horror of working outside and watching my uncle's great hairy, sweaty back covered with a crawling carpet of mosquitoes while he labored unaware. All I added was existentialist dread, which happens a lot while doing yardwork. 

"An itch you can't scratch" - close out with an example of the little sampler swatches that I upload upon opening the Sunday edition over coffee, so as to entice a new reader (subscribe here) or at the least remind folks to grab a copy at the local newsstand. Zooming in on these macro shots - also judiciously cropping out any spoilers - shows off little details like the little halftone effect, which I guess now is having a revival as it evokes retro nostalgia for the hipster demographic. Cool, man.

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