Sunday, April 11, 2021


Now a true Renaissance Man is frequently described as knowing a little bit about a lot of different things, but, as my dad would add, doesn't really know much of anything in any great detail. Hence cartoonists, who deal with a daily deluge of inspiration and rely on exhaustive documentation of source material on completely random subjects and topics, are truly deserving of the title. 

All of which is to say I learned all about orchestras for this cartoon, at least to the point of knowing everybody's individual positions upon the stage. Oh yeah, and then for good measure lets put the stage underwater, just enough to see the dorsal fins of a pod of killer whales, who are playing said instruments. But wait - that still necessitated getting photo reference on each and every instrument, and then trying to learn how to draw them. Or at least the parts sticking up from the ocean.

So now let me tell ya next time I go to a symphony I will have extra appreciation alongside my usual over-inflated opinion. Too many cartoons growing up - that's where the trouble all started.

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