Saturday, August 15, 2020

"Between The Wheels"

Maybe it’s another sign of emotional fragility amidst all the accumulated stress from the pandemic, but this little incident merited mention and attention. So I sketched out the impression… making note of the incident by taking notes artistically.

"Literally the little things: While waiting on a light at an intersection, I caught sight of a very small & very soaked vole, slowly creeping across traffic. It disappeared from view a couple cars ahead of me, and I thought to myself, oh no, there's no way it will make it without getting run over, since it had stopped to hide underneth a vehicle. When the light changed and the line started moving I saw the car in front of me move around it as it made its way to safety in the grass. I was so surprised and for just one moment my faith in humanity was somewhat restored."

I flashed back to high school days and my first car, and one day while while giving a friend a lift to school, I accidentally hit and killed my first animal, a skunk. I became quite upset, an my stoner buddy sagely observed that it "was meant to be." So after a brief lecture about the artificial river of asphalt and internal combustion engines running through an animal's environment I kicked him out (hey - it was meant to be) and skipped school for a walk in the woods.


“You know how that rabbit feels
Going under your wheels”- Neal Peart

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