Sunday, August 11, 2013

Fair (Follow-up)

So just for fun I camped out and took up tablespace most of Friday at the newspaper's booth at the Tanana Valley State Fair. Peddled a few wares but primarily promoted an upcoming presentation and also pushed the ongoing exhibition downtown. Bonus points for seeing many people who had also attended the Overflow XXV opening, which elicited many a "you again!?!."

Basically I was creative funny-looking window-dressing that drew a lot of people in for a closer look at the process: there's real reward and some satisfaction at doing public demos, especially for younger folks who dig seeing someone do it right there on the spot.
My fantasy fair ride failed to deliver yet again: every year at the popular "reverse bungee/slingshot" I watch for a while, but nope, everybody remembers to buckle in...

Scored a sweet pelt-swap with a famous cartoonist (and no, I won't sign your boobie) who is an annual fixture at the Fair, which confused the heck outta folks who already fail at basic cartoon literacy: seems like 80% of time interacting with the public involves tactfully disabusing them of the notion that, no... I'm the "Other Guy."
Lucky thing as an enthusiastic gyro decided to splooge down the entire front of my tshirt, and after a futile attempt at trying to wash it up in the restroom it resulted in also completely soaking the front of my shorts (awkward: good thing I was sitting behind a table for most of the rest of the time).
Also got some invaluable pro-tips on how basic hygiene would increase both popularity and sales.

But the absolute very-bestest thing about the whole day was checking out a former student's work from the Visual Art Academy (more samples here) earlier this summer who dominated the displays with a veritable avalanche of talent: congrats to Tara!

1 comment:

  1. Ha!! Chad smiles like Jack Nicholson's Joker!
