Monday, November 14, 2011

"The SEQA Department"

A mysteriously creepy vignette using reference sketches of the Sequential Arts building, and playing around with the evocative shadows cast from live oaks plus caricaturing a few of the folks in the department. Perhaps one of the best experiences I had taking classes at SCAD was the simple act of being able to put up a cartoon that I had drawn on the critique wall and have it be taken seriously. For someone who had previously failed many an art class for drawing cartoons, which according to the art teacher "didn't count," this was tremendously empowering and liberating.

Ultimately I incorporated much of what I learned at this institution through developing my own Cartoon & Comic Art course which I taught at the University of Alaska for six years: a condensed sequence of topics and exercises that sought to encapsulate my two year experience into one intense six-week studio class. And in so doing, come full-circle, albeit a shaky hand-drawn one. Now here I am again, starting anew by finally finishing...

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