And yeah, this really did happen to me personally, though it was actually up the hill in the outhouse. In my experience, marking of territorial conquest aside, being on top of a mountain rather tends to constipate, and going the bathroom is the last thing on anybodys mind nomatter how much the view, uh, moves you. Though it is a comparatively minor detail, consider that climbers on Denali are allowed to dispose of human waste (only) by chucking it into crevasses. Which, if you think about it, at an average of half a pound a day per person, with an approximate seasonal average of at least one-thousand climbers per season (now capped at 15k), all staying at least 2-4 weeks on the mountain = 7-14 thousand pounds left behind. Which is nothing compared to some of the music festivals I've been to.
While I don't think we'll have to look forward to any off-colored glaciers streaking down the side of Denali anytime soon, it's still sad to think that the highest peak in North America is essentially contaminated, especially at the West Buttress 17,200-foot camp. Despite the supposed evolutionary advances and cultural milestones achieved throughout history, it's still in human nature to crap all over everything.
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