Friday, June 11, 2010


A quick post showing a few excellent examples from this summer's Cartoon & Comic Art class: the "Think Before You Ink" exercise is great way to start off the first week by instilling some measure of confidence in the comparatively less confident or experienced drawers in the class. It ain't about meticulous rendering at this stage - its more the case of making marks to visually communicate the concept as quickly and clearly as possible. Come to think of - that never changes whether you have one minute or one day.

The three teams, The Super Explosions, The Lone Wolves and The Anti-Socials each managed to pull off some impressive doodles. Pictured here are the "sexy moose popping out of a cake at a hunting party," "plumber fixing a sink clogged with a walrus" and "beaver construction crew building a dam."

Pretty amazing especially considering the time constraints - coming up with simple symbols that best illustrate a given situation - nothing says plumber like butt-crack.

“Don't think it, ink it.” - Mark Victor Hansen 

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