Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trivia of the Week (Get a Life) + Update

From the local independent bookstore: you know you've been camping out at a place way too long when you actually become trivia:

Notice they don't advertise the free coffee, which draws cartoonist campers like flies.
More below the fold... 

Speaking of Gullivers, from a former employee (thanks Fugget!): our occasional cartoon jams take place in the upstairs cafe. We make (or leave) an impression wherever we go... you just can't go wrong inspiring uninspired employees to spend time doodling on the clock...

"With cartooning, I'm constantly coming up for air, procrastinating, looking for reasons not to be doing it. I spend all day granting myself special dispensation, with 'creative process' as my cover story. Carpenters and deli countermen can't do that, so I think they may feel better about themselves at the end of the day." – Garry Trudeau

*UPDATE: Okay, this was way too funny not to share - turns out there was only one entry to the trivia contest: 

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