Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Majestic Møøse


"Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti..."

Little while back I embarassed myself by losing my temper at one of the cats who was thundering around outside on the porch: this particular orange tabby sometimes goes by the nickname "Butterball" and he can actually cause the cabin to physically shake. After being distracted while trying to get some work done I stomped out the door and yelled at him to knock it off. There's something about confronting the eye-level ass of a moose that will bring you up short right quick and quiet everything down hush-hush. This week there's a cow and calf along that's set up camp in my neck of the woods along with another young solo bull - thought this panel up while drinking the morning coffee & watching them from the kitchen window.

One of the things I like about living in Alaska is how much of normal, everyday situations tend to put things in their proper perspective, in this case, that being my relative weakness & insignificance. 

Special Møøse Effects: OLAF PROT
Møøse Choreographed by: HORST PROT III
Miss Taylor's Møøses by: HENGST DOUGLAS-HOME
Møøse trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by: JURGEN WIGG
Møøses' noses wiped by: BJORN IRKESTOM-SLATER WALKER 
Suggestive poses for the Møøse suggested by: VIC ROTTER 
Antler-care by: LIV THATCHER


  1. Now that's funny! I used to have to clean the moose snot off our window every spring when it would try to go after my luscious jade plant in the window. It would get stopped short by the glass and snort. More than once I would be on the couch and see that massive snout just a few inches from my head and i would about jump out of my seat.

  2. ... that's the end of a moose I prefer dealing with.

  3. No moose around my house this year...they snoozed around our dog-free yard throughout autumn, but have been MIA since. Kinda miss them fighting over the frozen pumpkins...

  4. Funny how they always take up residence right around hunting season - my cabin must qualify as a wilderness preserve.

  5. For some reason the version of moose but in the sketch, which is MUCH wider, is far more funny to me...

  6. I shifted the pounds elsewhere in the print version...
