Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ready to Hang (Death of Interior Art - Postscript)

"Art forms of the past were really considered elitist. Bach did not compose for the masses, neither did Beethoven. It was always for patrons, aristocrats, and royalty. Now we have a sort of democratic version of that, which is to say that the audience is so splintered in its interests." - David Cronenberg

Okay, so I was thinking maybe Wednesday's post was a bit melodramatic:

"Sad to say, maybe this reflects not only the economic climate but also the artistic swan-song of a generation if WalmART reigns as the epicenter of cultural enrichment for Americans. Enrichment ... seems to be something you only do to crappy, worthless white bread."

And then today while shopping at Safeway, in the Dairy section...

"The sadness will last forever."
- Vincent van Gogh [Suicide Note]

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