
Friday, June 23, 2023

(Updated) Upcoming Gigs: "Colony" show + "Nuggets of Whimsy"/Discover Alaska lecture recap + "Books Range IV"

A couplefew recaps from the last upcoming event post: first, the show at Flossie & May's, the new cafe in Ester, will be titled "Colony" and will feature the tentpole piece "The Lodge." I'll have a separate process post about this 18x24" poster, but in brief it took about fifty hours to do 250 beavers. There's an interactive component with viewer contribution element too that I'll cover later. Big hat-tip/tail-slap of thanks to owners Jill & Scott and their amazing crew too.

Consequently the show' theme and content are now tied in accordingly, and there will be about forty other Castor Canadensis-related cartoon panels up as well. I hope to have the wall basically look like a big open Sunday funny section.

Secondly, my second lecture for UAF Summer Sessions' Discover Alaska series "Nuggets of Whimsy: Adventures in Northern Cartooning" went off fantastic. No small thanks to the amazing folks who made it possible, especially the media team who streamed the event + put up a video on their YouTube channel.

Check out the rest of the roster: the lecture series has been really inspiring so far, learning all sorts of new & different kinds of things about art… and learning new things about long-time acquaintances as well. For example check out the Far North Quilt Trail Project!

An unexpected bonus was the really wonderful article in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner written by reporter Jack Barnwell, who attended my show & tell, made for a great way to cap off the anniversary: like I say in the speech thank you to everyone, you included. Turnout was also a pleasant surprise - a full house that were engaged and responsive. No small feat when avalanched by a tsunami of funnies. In fact I had whittled the number of slides down thinking the day before of the event that "150 in 45-minutes is a bit too much." So I forced myself to cut a whopping ten

Lastly is a sneak peek at the peaks on the front cover of the upcoming compilation of essays by our own legendary librarian, Greg Hill. Been six years since doing his last volume, and this one was pure delight when all colored in. Proofs to come!

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