
Sunday, October 30, 2016

"Culture Clash"

Figure on this one being my very first panel of the New Year, and it'll work in either full-color or black & white. Punk ethic vs respectful sensitivity awareness meets cartoonist’s irreverent instinct for comedic license – which has to be acknowledged as a privileged position in and of itself. Not to mention how - as usual - some folks will get it, others not.

But I believe the subtle usage of color + metaphoric contrast is a hint of my own personal meaning, and to a degree, reflects an underlying statement on society. Even more obvious is the compositional arrangement; which even required the exceptionally rare rearrangement of the Nuggets header on the left-side vertical axis so as to accommodate, even accentuate, the uplifting intent. As a hat-tip to the traditional cultural activity, the blanket-toss, the caption originally said "Culture Clash/ Nalukataq Calling," then "Shishmaref Calling," "Diomede Calling" and "Koyukuk Calling," until I just dropped all the verbage entirely to let the image stand on its own.

The cataloging title for archival purposes is "Culture Clash," which I thought an obvious - at least until bouncing it off some folks - an homage to The Clash’s iconic (does that now make this cartoon icomic?) cover for their 1979 London Calling album. Hence the reference to bass player Paul Simonon smashing his instrument... now regionally customized with a skin drum instead.

Speaking of inspiration, here's a pair of Barbara Lavallee moshers: originally an idle doodle while staring at some waiting room walls adorned with the usual banal background of framed posters. While such omnipresent and predictable artwork (pretty much a guaranteed stock imagery for any doctor, dentist, lawyer et al office) might not be inspiring unto itself… even wallpaper can be a creative catalyst.

You grow up and you calm down
You're working for the clampdown
You start wearing the blue and brown
You're working for the clampdown
- Joe Strummer 

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