
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Overflow XXV: Opening... Soon!

Well looky-here: brace yerselves for a slew (slough?) of promotional posts over the upcoming weekend in advance of this epic event that's been getting teased about: a 25-year anniversary exhibition at an appropriately historical venue - the Fairbanks Community Museum (the old downtown City Hall building on Cushman St.).
UPDATE: just got word that local "musical pileup" will perform: Ice Jam will be in-house at the opening!

This project has been simmering along on the proverbial back-burners for months (really ever since migrating back to this neck of the woods), and slowly but surely the creative spheres are coming into alignment and all the various elements are beginning to coagulate coalesce. Big digital prints of the final, selected twenty-five whimsical classics are (almost) all matted + framed, the spiffy new retrospective catalogs were proofed + shipped, special-edition posters printed, commemorative tshirts scheduled for this week... and all sorts of other miscellaneous ephemera getting racked up behind the scenes. Look forward to a series of related updates as the days begin to count down to the opening...

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