
Sunday, April 7, 2024

"10-Gallon Pom-Pom"

Texas is unfortunately being run by some really sick people, who foment horrible events in turn, while the majority of folks living there aren't at all deserving of the cruelty, misery and despair their state is associated with, populated by some real monsters.

Most of all this is an excellent example of how politics will immediately kill off any joy - even a benign topic can elicit such negativity. Still, making dumb jokes is by far the best way to win against the forces of evil.

And the Texans I know personally all happen to have a great sense of humor. I mean, you'd almost have to. Like expat New Yorkers, it's a positive sign that they left. The one and only time I was in Texas represented the longest, most boring, and worst part of a multi-day bus trip across America to spend a birthday in the desert (having border agents board and shake down passengers trying to suss out illegals for example). Aside from that impression all I've been exposed to is the relentless and snide commentary from Alaskans about size matters.

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