
Saturday, March 2, 2024

"Baked Alaska" #61 - #64

Well hi there! This post is a little bit outta sequence, which is weird for a sequential artist. In fact, faithful readers will see a bonus run of Baked Alaska's for every weekend during the entire month of March, at high noon on every Saturday.
Reasons, and the usual notations below the fold...

Basically put, the Alaska Cannabist magazine just folded, as in "when will the last issue run?" "It was December's" - which hasn't even appeared here as of yet (next week). But what the hell, I went ahead and uploaded everything that I had cued up in the production pipeline for a massive data-dump. I'm even add-on a bonus batch of doodles scanned right from the sketchbook for a couple posts at the end of the month. Plus there will be a very special announcement for 4/20!

Okay so aside from like the obvious homage to Bob & Doug, ay, there's an ornithological angle here as well.

Coupled with the symbol of 'Murican might, we have an excellent example of model transnational partnership that is by far and away an improvement on the other border. Not for lack of trying that is, and an inexorable inevitability given the rising tide of stupidity in politics.

Yes, this is a perfect sample of picking low-hanging fruit, but hey, there are times that it's okay to indulge in the simple pleasure of creating a happy picture

In retrospect this is the yin to the yang of an earlier design from 2011, back while on hiatus up in Down East. I really miss Maine, and think about all my adventures there with much fondness. But crustaceans are a so much of a pain in ass to draw...

In the above sample process image from original sketchbook doodle to penciled version, there's a swatch that illustrates how much of a difference there is between the initial doodle to the preliminary piece done on Bristol board to the inked variation - in itself a great example of how much the pencils are really just suggested guidelines and not simply something to be traced over.

As one recreational farmer friend once put it to me many years ago... "dope springs eternal." I will miss this series on account of how much fun I had during the digital coloring phase of production. It in turn informed the Nuggets feature and really freed up my color theory, as in, mostly learning how to let go a little and push the boundaries when playing around on a "not so serious" panel.

As mentioned here many times before, it can be a serious code of creative encryption to crack when interpreting the hieroglyphic chicken-scratches left behind by an idea tracking across the consciousness. 

The penciled panel first started off with a common approach I take with captions, that of taking it and putting the verbage in a text-box that floats up above and laid across the top border. This is to facilitate the initial "reading" of the image + text, following from top to bottom/left to right eye gaze and scan of American viewers.

Discerning observers will not the actual print version wound up an amalgamation between two different inked variations. This on account of, sure enough, discovering well after the fact that I had drawn the damn thing twice (which hasn't happened since 2017).

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