
Sunday, December 17, 2023

"Bottled Ice"

There's a couple layers to this funion: superficially it's a comment on the inherent stupidity behind using those ubiquitous plastic water bottles. They are one of the most prominent examples of how wasteful and destructive our habits as mindless consumers are literally destroying the planet and everything on it. 

Of course a culture that steadfastly refuses to believe in existential threats like climate change, despite all of the mounting evidence on fire in front of them, won't be able to wrap their awareness around such a concept as microplastics infecting the water, all the creatures living within it, and on up the food chain to our very selves.

It also reverses a common - and racist - trope used in marketing "selling ice to Eskimos" by flipping it back on the traditional colonist exploiters (YT). As one can see below I have been guilty of the same unconscious bias in my earlier works until undergoing some intense introspection regarding my stereotypical depictions of Native Alaskans, and in a way pieces like the above serve as a sort of ongoing personal apology. Cheers!

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