
Friday, July 28, 2023

"Colony" Show: Closing Weekend + "Beaver Bites" Opening Recap

Quick heads-up that this is the last weekend for the little Castor Canadensis show down at the new cafe in Ester, Flossie & May's. There will be a short show & tell session - demos and drawing - at 11am-1pm on the last day, Sunday, July 30th for local kids (of any age).

The opening reception was so much fun for so many folks, and the commemorative stickers went over good, but nowhere near as amazing as the official Nuggets®™ brand delicious truffles concocted by the excellent baker Jill - special thanks to her and Scott, both pictured above - for hosting the gig! 

There was an accompanying half-page spread in the latest issue of the Sundays section in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, and DateLine Digital Printing has been as usual, making me literally look good - not just printing the actual physical panels for yet another exhibition (like every year at Ursa Major for example) but in supplying some fantastic looking 18x24" posters of the tentpole piece "The Lodge" (protracted process post to appear this Sunday).

The diversity of styles is simply wonderful to behold, as was the humbling turnout + support from the kind hosts and community of friends & fans.

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