
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Meta: Already?

Huh, well howabout dat: This little notification popped up today otherwise I would have missed the auspicious and humble beginnings of this continuing on-line experiment. Just a quick note of appreciation that you stopped by for a visit... thanks!

(Pretty much what a screengrab of the way my consciousness loads in my brain)

Much like measuring ones relative progress in making art, looking back over all the posts serves somewhat as a benchmark for how my writing skills have evolved over the years, which is to say not a dam bit.

(no relation)

Stats as of this posting: 785,601 all-time unique visits (approx. minimum one hundred daily/a few thousand hits a month), still not monetized, still not representing the views or policies of any of my employers, all still only using two-fingered typing. Above all else, also still employing the best-ever editorial review committee dedicated to ensuring only the most humorous + highest-possible quality uploads + original content.
Stay safe folks...

Atticus the Omnipresent Editor & MoochieBear


  1. Replies
    1. ... and always glad to see yer comments.
      (even if I space out checking/approving them for weeks afterwards: redoing my notifications!)
