
Friday, December 23, 2022

Xmas Covers: Double Issues + Baked Alaska 2023 Calendar

My awesome editor scored me a couple covers for the December issues of both the Alaska Cannabist magazine and the Alaska Pulse magazine (thought both are published by the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, the latter was a new publication for me).
The regular Baked Alaska cartoon - ie the normal horizontal panel version - that this cover was essentially a remixed composition of, will be uploaded here along, with the bracketing bunch, for the usual scheduled batch post that comes out here three times a year in retrospect. In the meantime here's a few teaser process pics of the initial concept sketches submitted before knocking out the art. Special care had to be taken in designing the composition so as to ensure enough real estate to plug in the accompanying text + titles.

One interesting aside in that there was somewhat of an accompanying increase in appreciation of how folks actually interpret my artwork, specifically in the case of my rendering of characters with closed eyes. It hadn't occurred to me in quite a long time (wasn't the first instance this occurred by any means) that sometimes it might come across as my just having forgotten to ink in the eyeballs. Serves as a real humbling reminder that regardless of how long you might be drawing and no matter how well you think you can draw - there's always gonna be plenty of opportunity for it fall artistically short of the mark.

PS: Here's a special sneak peek at the artwork used for the front cover of this year's Baked Alaska calendar for 2023 - as with the magazine cover the actual print version of this particular panel will get showcased here at Ink & Snow sometime over the course of regularly scheduled posts. But this is a good opportunity to plug a reminder about the free shipping deal over here at this ordering link - and as always you can ask for it by name at any local discriminating dispensary.

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