
Sunday, October 16, 2022

"Office Marmots"

The initial inspiration for this panel was an encounter with the resident woodchuck who lives at Creamers Field. Not the normal sort of species associated with the subarctic, but given our relatively high number of transients (coupled with climate change) these critters, unfortunately along with ticks, have been moving into the neighborhood.

It's also exhibit "A" in the category of digital editing for the year. As in the drawing was so dam bad it necessitated quite a radical redo on the computer. It was done as a demo before a classroom full of students, so the inevitable crash & burn is probably just an important lesson in the creation any art. Guess I'm comfortable enough with the idea of screwing up a drawing demo live because I'm confident I'll eventually get it right. That there's another meta-lesson.

None of which is to say that I don't really love the expression. But alas, as we are often told, don't fall in love with the work, at least not to the degree where you lose critical self-appraisal and an objective perspective.

Note: The above-mentioned mantra about not falling in love with your work absolutely does not apply to this adorable little fellah. Bonus Trivia: This is another in the upcoming sets of recently featured characters that will appear upon limited edition pins.

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