
Sunday, March 15, 2015

"Iditatoon: IKR?"

     Current Yukon Quest champ Musher Brent Sass (Wild & Free Mushing) was summarily disqualified from the 2015 Iditarod after having an iPod, a disappointing sequel to last year's bowing out of the race. A Go Fund Me account has been started to help defray the cost, and reward a true sportsman's acquiescence to what most folk's are seeing as a thoroughly blown call on the part of race officials. On a related note, IMHO the winners of these competitions also always include the mushers who make the tough calls and have their priorities - the welfare of the dogs - well in order.
     On a meta-level, it's an interesting point to consider how even acronyms in the texting vernacular are considered by some to still be outside the bounds of polite discourse - IOW when the slang for swearing is rated as equally offensive as the words themselves.

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