
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Teaser: May "Comic Book First Friday"

As leaked in the press... well, an ad run earlier in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner's spring Arts & Entertainment guide. And there'll be a lot more talent tentatively slated to be on hand: Chad Carpenter, Lucas Eliott, Brianna Reagan, Layla Lawlor, Ellen Million, Alex Bates, Chrissy Fanslau, Hannah Foss, Lee Post and Peter Dunlap Shohl. A real big extra-special thanks to Fiona and the fine folks at the Alaska Center for Natural Medicine... here's to laughter being the best medicine!

The gig's shaping up to be somewhat of our own little mini-version of a "Con" - there'll be a bunch of tables to peddle wares and sign books, so if you're in this neck of the woods, swing on by and say hi. I'll have my entire back catalog of books + some copies of "Bad Clams" on hand ... along with a flier for an upcoming Special Event...


  1. Is it safe to assume that this is on Friday, not on May 1st?

    Looking forward to it!

  2. HA - you know I never even caught that. Wonder if the editor at the News-Miner ever found out, must have mixed up May with March.
    Thanks for the flag Don!
