
Sunday, October 21, 2012

"An Alaskan's Adventures in Acadia"

As a favor to the folks out in Ester who host a monthly lecture series to benefit their John Trigg library community project, I'm filling in at the last minute to give a show & tell remixed from the "Doodles from Down East" talk given earlier this summer at the Literacy Council of Alaska (Fairbanks Daily News-Miner article here).

"A year of hiking and sketching in cartoons and photographs: local artist Jamie Smith will share samples of recent works from when on hiatus in Maine. Courtesy tick checks will be provided free of charge, artificial lobster while supplies last.
A freelance illustrator who also teaches drawing at UAF, Jamie’s work adorns countless outhouse and office cubicles across the state. For the past 25 years creates the weekly Nuggets feature in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, editorial panels for the Ester Republic and also waxes ecstatic at "
Added to the presentation are some of the fabulous pics taken while adventuring about the island, along with this time having a map on hand, even some cobblestone specimens for fondling. The gig is being held at Hartung Hall on Wednesday, October 24th from 7-8pm-ish - stop by for a visit!


  1. Very cool! I hope it goes really well!

  2. Thanks John - maybe the Maine Travel Association should give me a stipend for being a tireless field promoter.
