Sunday, October 6, 2019


Only a handful of folks could have appreciated the meta behind this particular panel: It was done as a classroom demo for the comics course, and it occurred amidst another annual explosion of new comics that I also brought in for people to peruse. So, points for irony in how I've abandoned any pretense of literary exploration past the pile of comics that are burying most blank spaces around the cabin. I've even put off other social outings purely on the basis of needing to spend some time catching up on research (cough, cough).

Also a few bonus points can go out on how there's a relatively small audience (starting with said students) that will get the visual reference to the titular character. In retrospect maybe some muttonchops would have also been appropriate.

Speaking of meta: while poking about the site searching for any other earlier posts involving wolverines (like this sketch) I ran across a frequent issue with formatting that crops up in increasingly more archived uploads, like this one for example. I suspect it may have to do with images originally being hosted by the now-defunct Picasa.

If anything it's a constant reminder that I need to download everything from Blogger against the inexorable, eventual evolution (ie inevitable shuttering in the name of improvement). Selected excerpts might make the basis for a good book... now to find an editor with a sense of humor.

1 comment:

  1. There was Picasa and Hello. They were the required portals for posting pics to Blogger. This is the weakness of digital media. Stuff could disappear entirely if the service that hosted them goes under. Not even a few fragments of papyrus would remain in a Middle Eastern cave for someone to find later.
